Friday, November 18, 2005

I should change the name of the Blog

To Boogers, Mucus, Boobs and Peanut Butter Cups. Many of my visitors happen upon this blog searching for almost anything related to boogers, boobs, and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. If I ever wrote about rubbing boogers on breasts or smearing Reese's Peanut Butter Cups on boobs, I'd be willing to bet that someone would find this site.

Here are some of the most common searches that seem to find me...
100 inch boobs - I have a projector in my basement and once I invited some friends to visit and mentioned that they would be amazed at the clarity and definition on the screen of 100 inc boobies.
Green, Brown, Orange, or Bloody Boogers - Many searches for boogies and boogers that contain any color you can imagine. I don't know why, but I guess people have Orange Boogers and they wonder why. Here's my non-professional opinion, if you have orange boogers, stop placing orange M&M's in your nose.
Picking, Eating, and Flicking snot - A very popular topic on the internet these days according to my counter. Booger Sandwiches have come up a few times. Who wants a booger sandwich, ICK! Someone googled; "Why do noses have boogers?" I wonder if I provided them with the correct answer...
Famous people with one testicle - one time, I write about testicles and these people can't help but find that one... Wierd.
This one made me chuckle about someone's misfortune...gonads hurt bowel movement - Like Kool Moe Dee once said, "Go see the Doctor." (Lord I apologize, and be with the starving Pygmies in New Guinea)
Oh yea, and some sicko actually did a search for "Joey Lawrence." Who, by the way, is looking older. Like, gag me with a spoon already.


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