I should change the name of the Blog
Here are some of the most common searches that seem to find me...
100 inch boobs - I have a projector in my basement and once I invited some friends to visit and mentioned that they would be amazed at the clarity and definition on the screen of 100 inc boobies.
Green, Brown, Orange, or Bloody Boogers - Many searches for boogies and boogers that contain any color you can imagine. I don't know why, but I guess people have Orange Boogers and they wonder why. Here's my non-professional opinion, if you have orange boogers, stop placing orange M&M's in your nose.
Picking, Eating, and Flicking snot - A very popular topic on the internet these days according to my counter. Booger Sandwiches have come up a few times. Who wants a booger sandwich, ICK! Someone googled; "Why do noses have boogers?" I wonder if I provided them with the correct answer...
Famous people with one testicle - one time, I write about testicles and these people can't help but find that one... Wierd.
This one made me chuckle about someone's misfortune...gonads hurt bowel movement - Like Kool Moe Dee once said, "Go see the Doctor." (Lord I apologize, and be with the starving Pygmies in New Guinea)
Oh yea, and some sicko actually did a search for "Joey Lawrence." Who, by the way, is looking older. Like, gag me with a spoon already.
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