Friday, October 14, 2005

Don't stick a fork in your eye!

And other ways to avoid serious injury. Immediately after almost losing sight in my left eye, I discovered my topic for the day. Safety! Today I am Mr. Safety! Or maybe, Safety Man!, or Saftizzle Manizzle! I shall waste no more of your time.

A PSA from Iowa State University. (This is a radio script)
Your new bull has been stubborn the past few days. Every time you try to transfer him to a new trailer, he holds back. And now you don't have time to wait.
You decide to show him who's boss and walk toward him with a determined look. Suddenly, the bull looks at you, starts pawing the ground and charging toward you. And the gate is far away.
What do you do?

What is get the hell outta there, Alex?

Wrong! The PSA's advice is... "You don't get in that situation. "

Oh, thanks, no way! How can that be a public service announcement? What are you really supossed to do?

Google to the rescue...

How to avoid a bull-fight or attack (The Internet RULES!) from this site

1. Keep your eye on the bull. Biggest cause of fatalities and injuries is carelessness/familiarity/contempt. Bulls are completely unpredictable.
2. If you have to go in field with bull, keep to the edges. Otherwise detour outside the field. Some bulls may take no notice of intruders some of the time, then attack. They can run and swerve faster than humans. Remember, maddened cows can charge, too.
3. Evade bull by flinging taken-off coat (or any hand-held object) into bull's path. There is a good chance the bull will pause to investigate decoy with horn before resuming chase, which gives you time to take another garment off as you run.
4. Bulls tend to go for any bright colors-not necessarily red. Subdue anything bright as best you can.
5. Bulls don't take to water easily. Another escape avenue: river/lake outlet/canal.
6. If with family (inconceivable, if you have not been careless), draw off bull while women and children run in different directions-by flinging coat. Even then no knowing what bull will do and whom he will chase.
7. If thrown by bull, only way to hurt him is by grasping the nose ring (if there is one) and hanging on with fingers.
8. Another survival method that has worked: Feign death if you have already survived being thrown/gored/knelt on.

Then I found out that this is a serious problem in Canada

  • In Canada, only one in 20 people will survive a bull attack. Bull encounters account for 40 per cent of animal handling fatalities.


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