Sunday, April 16, 2006

Why do you have a uvula? Why do I have a uvula?

What the hell is a uvula?

The uvula is a small cone-shaped mass of tissue hanging down from the soft palate, near the back of the throat. The word is derived from the diminutive of uva, the Latin word for "grape", due to the uvula's grape-like shape. (From I have a uvula so I can keep my wife up at night with my snoring. Some freaks have uvulas so they can put holes in it and make a shiny object useful (see picture, and if you know German, visit the bodyart site)

Uvula Piercing is stupid, disgusting, and just freaking weird. If I had something in my throat like that I would walk around like a cat with a constant case of the hairballs. Speaking of hairballs, the picture below is from the National Museum of Health and Medicine. It's a picture of a hairball, some 12 year old chick had removed from her stomach (she ate her freakishly tasty hair, I guess) Looks kinda gross no? Like it must have taken the shape of the stomach and she probably couldn't eat much. I will now invent my new diet, the hair diet. Eat your hair, you won't poop it out and it'll fill you up and you won't be able to eat much. I think it'll be a smashing success. I'm outta here, I gotta start writing the book and planning the book tour. Later Aligators...


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