Thursday, June 28, 2007

Turns out, I'm only sick in the head (probably)

Seems that it might be a rather icky staph infection and, although contagious, not easy to get. The Staph infection is usually found in hospitals but is becoming more and more prevalent outside the hospital and in the community.

It's called MRSA aka the superbug aka Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. Something you'd rather not have, but generally not fatal. WebMD says this rather interesting bit of nothing...
"Community-associated MRSA infections usually affect the skin, causing pimples and boils in otherwise healthy people. Infected areas may be red, swollen, painful, and have pus or other drainage." (Full article on the SuperBug here)

There seems to be a forum for this MSRA disease

Maggots are useful ...