Thursday, December 21, 2006

Pooey Internet and Hong Kong Phooey

I am officially not working until January 2, 2007. In these 12 days I will endevor to research elephantitis, discover which drug company is closest to curing cancer and start a campaign to overthrow the President of a small South American Nation in a bloodless coup.

First things first, however...

Today is Thursday and I predict it will snow on Christmas Day. I just checked and they predict 40 and mostly cloudy and a 20% chance of precipitation. We shall see who's right.

In other news, I know someone who is getting married to a baby. I can't really explain it, but one of them seem to think the other one is a hot baby. Kids these days, I'll tell ya.

Also, it's been a long time since I actually wrote anything in a blog. I will begin to pepper this thing relentlesly until 2007 at which point I will make a resolution to post more often and lose 80 lbs and write about it in my blog.

I will also write about chicks in bikinis and assorted topics that only I care about.

until then.... Here is a link to something disgusting. Please be cautious when opening this as it may turn your stomach... LINK


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmmm delicious!

9:54 AM  

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