Friday, August 05, 2005

Friday August 5th - Not Clever enough to think of another title

Blogging is for sucks. Why would anyone want to sit and read this?

Well here is what I've discovered on the web today...
(I know I'm not the one who discovered it, but I have used it for the first time today, so I thought I should tell all of my loyal readers about it.)

Yahoo Audio Search : Search for your favorite mp3's and download them illeaglly the easy way. I'm gonna have to bet that the RIAA, AFTRA, and Metallica aren't going to approve of this.
Fearless Leader of RIAA

What else is new you ask?
For starters Football starts tomorrow Saturday, August 6 at 5 am EST, in Toyko with the American Bowl or some crap like that. I'll go out on a limb and say Michael Vick won't play much. But it marks the official start to me not working for the next 4 Weeks, or until the last of my Fantasy Football drafts.

Lastly since you all want to know about my plans for the weekend...
I will be attending the Detroit Tiger vs. Cleveland Indian baseball game this evening where I predict the Tigers will be victorious, 9-6.
Saturday, we will be hosting the 4th annual Birthday Party for Nate, as he has just turned 4 on August 2nd. This will be an all day fun-fest of cleaning followed by a few hours of feasting.
Sunday, the plan is to clean up from the party, then work on the molding and/or finishing touches in the basement as I have put it off all summer and Bowling season is about to start.

Speaking of that, does anyone want to Bowl on a league? My sister and her husband need partners (boy and girl) I don't think it's as dicey as the LPGA, if you've recently had a change of sex operation, I think you will qualify as your new sex, but I'm unsure. Anyway, it's a lot of fun, we drink, eat, laugh, and bowl. Contact me if you want to it starts Aug 20th and is every other week until around May. Also, if you have a team of 4, you can do that too. Anyway, we have fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the most stupid Blog I've ever read

2:16 PM  

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